
Don't you want to buy a GPS tracking device?
Get our FREE app to simulate a real GPS device and a lot more

with your smartphone and available for iOS and Android

Real time tracking

Real time and background tracking and restarts when the smartphone reboots.

GPS Simulator

PUSHnTRACK is perfect for tracking your position using your smartphone or tablet without any additional GPS external device.


Send SOS push notification alarms to other users.


Push Notifications

Receive push notifications from other users and alerts from the server.

History alerts

Get a list of the last alerts about geofence in and out, battery status, and other GPS alerts.


Power saving

With a minimal and an efficient consumption of the smartphone battery.

Auto-update OTA

The app is always up-to-date and receives automatic updates using OTA feature (Over-The-Air). No need to download any new version from the store. The app will check for updates automatically when is launched and will try to fetch the latest published version.

An app for all!

For personal use, family members, fleet trackings, travellers and business.


With the "ENTERPRISE" gotracker Solution you also get the source code of the FREE PUSHnTRACK app!

... publish it on the stores and receive instant push notifications and send SOS alarms.

Ready for the App Store
Ready for the Play Store